Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Any Takers!!!!



Do you have your member book yet???

Anyone game?

Anyone planning on being a part of this?


For those of you who haven't purchased yours yet,

I thought I would share with you the session titles

to spur you on to GET ONE!!!!!


Time is running out!!!!


The 21st is not that far off!!!


So here they are:

Personal Pharaoh

Why Idols


The Problem with Idols

Good Goodbyes

God of Gods

The Road Ahead

Making Room


Sounds good, huh?


Some things to be praying about:

Pray that God would already be softening your heart

for what He will tell you in a few weeks!

That you will listen and learn from Him!

Be praying for women who haven't yet decided

if they will do this study for whatever reasons!

Be praying that the women who are supposed to do this, will!

I know you may still be confused how this whole blogging thing

will happen, but you'll catch on once it begins! I know it! :)


Remember, when you get your book,

you don't need to do anything yet!

You may want to read the introduction, it's good, but STOP!!!!

You will be tempted to go on, but WAIT!!!! :)



So ready!!!

Do you have your member book yet?????

Click on the book and order it today!!!

Can't wait!!!

It's gonna be good!!!

Love you all!



Kelli Williams said...

i'm in! I just needed to know how to post. I'll be ordering the book early this month. I'm excited!!!

Cheryl Parkerson said...

If anyone wants to order their books with Wellborn Baptist Church we will be placing an order May 8.
I have Betty and Dixie joining us.

Kari said...

That's great Cheryl! We can all split shipping if we make 1 order! Thanks!!!

His Hers Ours and Autism said...

Hi Kery! Tell me more about the blog involement. Call me. I changed phones and lost your number. Lost rene's too. Trent has the flu and I want to let her know since our kids are in the same class. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hi all, This is my forth try to sign in and comment for the Bible study. I hope this time it works because I am feeling a little frustrated and dumb at this point but I am excited to begin a new study instead of just a daily reading. The two from this past year have really brought the scripture alive for me to gain strength from! I have already ordered the book so I won't be able to take advantage of the cheaper shared shipping charges, darn.

Kari said...

YEAH Rene!!! It worked!!!!
I'm so glad that you will join us!

We have also added Debbie as well!

I'll be emailing y'all soon to give you the specifics!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kari,
Nena called today and wants a book.
She may not make all the sessions but she's in on doing the study.
We will order books Friday.

Anonymous said...

Opps! I guess I did not want anonymous. Let's try this again

Cheryl P. said...

Got it.