Thursday, May 21, 2009

Our First Gathering!!!!

Howdy Ladies!!!!

Today is the day!

So here is what you need to do!

Please share in your small groups and on this blog what you perceive to be your biggest challenge toward walking victoriously with God this summer. House full of children? Heavy work load? Difficult season emotionally? Just had your heart broken? Just feel far from God? Whatever it may be, share it with this group so that we can be praying for you throughout the summer and this study. For those of you meeting together, please don't forget to blog your challenges as well so that if anyone is doing this alone, will still feel connected to this group! Thanks!

Turn to Jude 1:24,25 and read your summer Bible study memory verse-segment. (Oh, yes, you can memorize!!! You just have to learn how to make fun associations that make it memorable!) This is our only memory segment all summer so it’s very doable.

And then lastly, by June 4th, have 2 sessions of homework finished!
Session 1 - Personal Pharaohs
Session 2 - Why Idols?

This blogging thing will only work, IF Y'ALL COMMENT!!!!! :) 

I'm so proud of everyone who has committed to this for the summer! We want victory all year long and I know that God has big things to show us these days of summer! I love every single one of you with Christ's love!

Study away!!! And then check back later!


Cheryl said...

Hey Ladies,
Well I finished the first week and
God has already showed me some areas I need to change. I have been sharing our study with others and we may have two more joinig us,
Lisa and Ila. What my biggest challenge for this summer is working on my critical spirit. I pray God will help me to love myself and others as He loves, so full of love, mercy, and grace.

Kari said...

Hello Ladies!
I hope that you have gotten into your study by now and have done the 1st week at least! I look forward to seeing everyone next week again!

My biggest challenge this summer is with not very much structure to my day, having the Bible study time that seems to come easier for me during the school year while kids are at school and I have more of a routine.

Also, another challenge is for me to really make this real. Not just another Bible study, but personalize it, make it real, not just something that I'm checking off of a list to do. I want God to change me, grow me and make me more like Him through this study.

See y'all soon!